Friday, 10 December 2010

Blast from the past..

Things I remember most about home…

I think it’s accurate to say that we (South Africans) have better storms than the UK. Sometimes enough to scare the living shit out you! But none the less, better.. I used an old Nikon D50 for these, with no tripod, a faulty lens, no photoshop and lightning so fierce that you don’t want to leave the comfort of your bed, so the shots are shakey, out of focus and a bit spotty.
I present… lightning!

These are ironic don’t you think?.. This is behind the apartment building at the beachfront where I used to live before moving to a four walled ice box in Montrose. Makes me wonder why I didn’t study architecture back home..? mmm.. courious..

This one overlooks the southern harbour, taken from a night club.. amazing view is it not? The energy and noise produced from this storm was so powerful your drinks trembled! INSANE! What we need to do, is stop trying to reach another form of life and learn how to harness or reproduce these as renewable energy. A single flash could produce anywhere between 10-120 million volts.

Okay, let me explain with this one.. I was actually positioned in a comfy spot until one of these cracked above my head!

More to be continued..

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Impressive shots! But... the best storms are in the USA! ;)
